

Dana Mantilia has over 3.5 million LinkedIn video/ content views and over 500k YouTube video views. She knows how to maximize these social media platforms.

Now she takes that knowledge, shares it with her MSP/ MSSP and Cybersecurity clients and teaches them how to market their businesses and gain clients in a way that their competitors are not. 

Dana comes from the Identity theft protection world. In 2017 she developed an identity theft protection product called Identron www.Identron.com

After the development of the product, she realized how much education is need around identity theft, cybercrimes and scams.

LinkedIn logo
Youtube logo
Dana is middle aged blond lady with a black shirt!

Cyber Dana

IPhone showing social media logos

Dana had an Idea

Dana decided that she would make videos to help educate folks on how to better protect themselves and post them to LinkedIn.

A warning sign

Problem # 1

Dana did not even know how to shoot a video on her phone and then upload it to LinkedIn.

A warning sign

Problem # 2

She had no followers, no “likes” or comments on her LinkedIn posts.
She carried on and learned the ropes about everything “LinkedIn”. She participated in an amazing LinkedIn Boot Camps and through the years has mastered how to best utilize LinkedIn. In addition to 3.5 Million video/content views, she has grown her followers to over 34,000 and hit the 30k maximum allowable contacts.

Picture showing a cartoon contract in bay leafs

Certifications/ Memberships/ Recent contributions

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